Koto, Violin
Title | Koto, Violin |
Year | 2016 |
Composer | Hyo-shin Na |
Instrument/s | 17-string koto, violin |
Commission | Composed for Terrie Baune, Shoko Hikage |
Duration | 10’30” |
First Performance (date, performers, venue) | May 28, 2016, International Arts Festival, Terrie Baune and Shoko Hikage, San Francisco, California |
Contact for Sheets | hyoshinnaemail@gmail.com |
CD, Digital Audio | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oajeO55qqU |
Contact Info | http://www.hyo-shinna.com/index.html |
Notes | KOTO, VIOLIN was composed for Terrie Baune and Shoko Hikage and was premiered at the San Francisco International Arts Festival in 2016. In KOTO, VIOLIN, the materials used are very limited, and there is no development of these materials. [Na] |