
Title Fan
Year 2003
Composer Alvin Lucier
Instrument/s 4 kotos
Commission Koto Phase
Duration 12’05”
First Performance (date, performers, venue) June 21, 2003, Koto Phase (Ryuko Mizutani, Mitsuki Dazai, Curtis Patterson and Shoko Hikage), Studio Es, Tokyo
Contact for Sheets the composer
CD, Digital Audio CD: Ever Present; Alvin Lucier played by Miki Maruta, Ryuko Mizutani, Kayoko Nakagawa, and Yoko Nishi in 2005
Contact Info
Notes In Fan, 4 koto players play a long series of plucked tones over a 12-minute time span, gradually stepping up to 4 semitones above the starting tone and slowing down to 1 beat every 2, 3, 4, and 5 seconds. As they do so, audible beating at various speeds occurs among the plucked sounds of the instruments. [Lucier]