
Title Fukujuso
Year 2015
Composer Hyo-shin Na
Instrument/s 3 kotos, 17-string koto, cello
Commission Dedicated to Yoshie Hikage
Duration 7’27”
First Performance (date, performers, venue) December 5, 2015, Shoko Hikage, Shirley Muramoto, Yuki Yasuda, Mitsuki Dazai, and Thalia Moore, Women’s Building, San Francisco, California
CD, Digital Audio https://soundcloud.com/user-625981961/fukujuso
Contact Info http://www.hyo-shinna.com/index.html
Notes The piece is based on Yoshie Hikage’s poem about the little winter flower (Fukujuso) and reflects the innocent character of the poem. This piece is dedicated to Yoshie Hikage. FUKUJUSO originally in Japanese by Yoshie Hikage, translated into English by Hyo-shin Na The sun shining Only happiness now Seeing you, the little FUKUJUSO So prim Painted inside a beautiful bowl, Put outside in the gardenA smile, FUKUJUSO