Fumon (風紋)
Title | Fumon (風紋) |
Year | 2009 |
Composer | Takashi Koto |
Instrument/s | Koto, Shakuhachi |
First Performance (date, performers, venue) | November 22, 2009 “Afternoon of Shakuhachi and Koto Music #11” Public Library of Brookline, MA, USA Marco Lienhard, shakuhachi Yuki Yasuda, koto |
Notes | “Fūmon” stands for the wind-wrought patterns on the sands. As the sound of shakuhachi is often compared to the voice of winds blowing through bamboo woods, shakuhachi behaves like winds leaving patterns on the sands in this work. Koto depicts the patterns on the sands, which are sometimes moiré due to two desynchronized patterns. The two instruments intertwine sometimes closely and sometimes with a distance. This work is not program music but absolute music. I just translated the vision to the sound, as I usually do. |