Koto Ninano

Title Koto Ninano
Year 2010
Composer Hyo-shin Na
Instrument/s 3 kotos
Commission Written for Koto Ensemble Lantana
Duration 6’11”
First Performance (date, performers, venue) March 7, 2010, Old First Concerts, Shoko Hikage, Noriko Tsuboi and Kanoko Nishi, San Francisco, California
Contact for Sheets hyoshinnaemail@gmail.com
CD, Digital Audio CD: Lantana Plays the Music of Hyo-shin Na; Shoko Hikage on koto/17-string koto, Noriko Tsuboi on koto/ 17-string koto, Kanoko Nishi on koto/ 17-string koto; Produced by Mod
Contact Info http://www.hyo-shinna.com/index.html

The piece is based on the characteristic tendencies and shapes of the Korean folk song Taepyung-ga. I was struck by three characteristics: a quick descending motion in the melody, a place where the music seemed to become locked into a rather static pattern, and the song’s extroverted, straight-forwardly happy feelings; these characteristics became the basic elements of the piece. [Na]

The lyrics of Taepyung-ga are something like:

Why worry?
Let’s just have fun while we’re alive – Ninano!