Koto Ninano
Title | Koto Ninano |
Year | 2010 |
Composer | Hyo-shin Na |
Instrument/s | 3 kotos |
Commission | Written for Koto Ensemble Lantana |
Duration | 6’11” |
First Performance (date, performers, venue) | March 7, 2010, Old First Concerts, Shoko Hikage, Noriko Tsuboi and Kanoko Nishi, San Francisco, California |
Contact for Sheets | hyoshinnaemail@gmail.com |
CD, Digital Audio | CD: Lantana Plays the Music of Hyo-shin Na; Shoko Hikage on koto/17-string koto, Noriko Tsuboi on koto/ 17-string koto, Kanoko Nishi on koto/ 17-string koto; Produced by Mod |
Contact Info | http://www.hyo-shinna.com/index.html |
Notes |
The piece is based on the characteristic tendencies and shapes of the Korean folk song Taepyung-ga. I was struck by three characteristics: a quick descending motion in the melody, a place where the music seemed to become locked into a rather static pattern, and the song’s extroverted, straight-forwardly happy feelings; these characteristics became the basic elements of the piece. [Na] The lyrics of Taepyung-ga are something like: Why worry? |