A Japanese koto player, Yasuko Sato, commissioned Kazutomo Yamamoto to compose a piece for Kazue Sawai. Based on a recording of Kazue-sensei’s improvisation, Mr. Yamamoto composed a duo called “Gekka-ikei: for Tape and 17-string Koto”.
In this piece, Kazue-sensei is playing a unique musical instrument called Yakusugi-koto, which was created by a Japanese artist, Jun Ashikari, specially for Kazue-sensei.“Gekka-ikei” was premiered in Tokyo by Ms. Sato on 17-string koto with Kazue-sensei’s recording in November 2022.
Yasuko Sato wishes “Gekka-ikei” to be performed by many koto players around the world, so she is offering musical score, and also sound data of Kazue-sensei’s playing to anyone who are interested.
For more information, please contact: https://globalkotomusic.com/contact/