
Title Poesie
Year 2018
Composer Jonas Baes
Instrument/s koto, cello
Commission Koto Transformation Project. Dedicated to LaVerne dela Pena
First Performance (date, performers, venue) September 26, 2018, Koto Transformation Concert, Satsuki Odamura and Joseph Emmanuel Hernandez, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Contact for Sheets Unpublished
Contact Info Jonas Baes
Notes his piece approaches musical syntax in an unorthodox way. framed by a persistent, yet extremely irregular string of metric units, the musical gestures in a quasi-hirajoshi mode of tuning played on the koto is mutated by the cello, and as a result, appear as disentangled moments separated by ruptures of very brief silences; such a quality is perhaps comparable to the linguistic phenomenon called tmesis. this piece is dedicated to verne de la pena for his untiring fascination for tradition and the various streams of modernities [Baes].