
Title Toccata
Year 2005
Composer Misato Mochizuki
Instrument/s 21-string koto, recorder
Commission Deutschlandfunk, Cologne
First Performance (date, performers, venue) March 12, 2006, Jeremias Schwarzer and Makiko Goto, Eindhoven, North Brabant
Contact for Sheets Breitkopf & Härtel
Contact Info
Notes The term “Toccata” comes from baroque music and does not refer to any fixed form: they are free, almost improvised musical organisms in which the whole range of the instruments is explored, often with abrupt changes of expression. All these elements are in this piece, too. In addition, the virtuosity involved requires a certain playfulness of the musicians, bringing a “sparkling” to the surface which makes Misato Mochizuki’s music so unique [Schwarzer].